Saturday, July 11, 2009

Embarassed and sorry

Sorry to say, but this will definitely be an emo post... Why? Because of my giant stupid mistake this morning...
This morning was the SMK Taman S.E.A Prefect's Annual General Meeting(AGM). And guess what? Im in charge of all the mics and PA system for the whole event. What's the stupid giant mistake that I made? I was late to the AGM and late to set the mics up by a whole hour... So I was supposed to be there by 7a.m. but I was late and reached at 8.20a.m.? The Honored Guests(Pn. Zakiyah, En. Allen and Pn. Ang) were all waiting for me to set up the mics... Luckily, they were only waiting for about 15-20 minutes... A few very helpful prefects and I managed to set up the mics within 5 minutes which was really really fast... I thank all those who helped me. Im also sorry that I forgot who helped me...
During the AGM, I was in the PA room... I was so scared to show myself infront of everyone... A few certain people were staring at me with that kind of face which says: 'You're a disgrace'. But in the end I managed to gather the bits and pieces of my shattered courage and go to my seat downstage...
After the AGM, we all got together and helped to clean up the place... After keeping the mics and locking up the PA room, I apologised to Pn. Harminder. Immediately after giving her a bow of apology, tears came rushing down. Pn. Harminder had said that she had forgiven me and she told me to stop crying. She also gave me afew hugs. Somehow, hugging her was like hugging my mother. Just that there was a slight difference. That difference is that I knew that she wasnt my mother. But very much like one. After apologising, I went behind the hall to cool down. I was almost about to burst out in tears, but just in time, Por Lyn came to my rescue. She told me to chill and managed to make me laugh. Alot. So I managed to cooldown. For that time only. Then I went up the stage to the boys changing room and took my bag. All of a sudden, more tears came... I cried for about 10 seconds then again, before I totally burst into tears, Por Lyn came. AGAIN! Which was amazing. Again, managing to cool me down, but this time for good, I went off stage and said my goodbyes and went to the weigh-in for MSSD Taekwondo.
While weighing-in, lots of people asked me why I cried... Guess that it was quite obvious. Thanks for caring. BUT! Dont you people know that asking someone why they cried immediately after they finish crying will make them remember it????!!!! Im not scolding anyone. I would just like to advise all those who asked... But Wai Phun was the one to help me during the weigh-in. He told everyone to stop asking.
So I managed to go through the day without crying anymore or punching any walls. OH! You may wonder why I was late... Here's the answer... I DONT KNOW! I was woken up by my sister who was told to do so by Auntie Annie(Estelle's and Danielle's mom). When I did wake up, I checked my phone, apparently it wasnt on silent but the alarm had been off the whole time and I had 8 missed calls. All from Pn. Harminder... After waking up, I rushed to get to school and then then set everything up like what I said just now.
So to end this post, I would like to say...
Im sorry to Pn. Harminder and all the prefects of SMK Taman S.E.A. And also sorry for dissapointing all of you who believed that I could handle it.
Thank you! This thanks goes to all those who helped me to set up the mics.
Last but most definitely not least,THANK YOU! To Pn. Harminder, Por Lyn and Wai Phun. No offence to the Pn. Harminder and Wai Phun, but I wish to give a bigger thank you to Por Lyn.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today was my parent's anniversary... I didnt even know about it until 7.40pm. Which was the time I got back home after playing basketball with some friends.
Anyways... I dont know how many years my parents have been married cause my mom refuses to tell me and my dad is asleep... My mom refuses to tell me because she found out that I was blogging about their anniversary.
So... We went for dinner. At urm... I think the name of the restaurant was Golden Dragon or something like that... Freaking expensive! Actually it's cheap for my parents but it was expensive for me cause Im practically broke due to my overspending for food and camps... So yeah... I burnt my toungue while eating because I rushed into the food. Ate 4 bowls of rice in less than 5 minutes. Pro? I dont think so. Couldnt even stand up after eating...
So after eating I had to stay in the restaurant for awhile cause I seriously couldn't stand. My mom and sister had gone to Giant first. So I was texting I think Por Lyn and Chee Seng while waiting to be capable of standing up. LOL!
Then came back home, did some homework, ironed some clothes and then came here to make this post. I will most probably do a similar post around this date next year. Wait for it! HAHAHA

What someone once told me

A great man once told me that I should enjoy life before it's over. That I should never give up until the very end. I will not tell you all who because this is very personal.
I am blogging about this only because I remembered what this great man told me.
So I am finally starting to realise what his words meant. And so to make sure I never forget what he said ever again, I changed my blog title. Not gonna change the url cause I dont want to and also dont know how to. LOL!
So my advice to all of you, love everything you have. If you dont, then you dont deserve to have them. And they leave you one by one. So I hope you all will take this seriously. Cherish life!

Whatever that comes to my mind...

My left foot hurts... Again. But this time even more. Why? Cause Riyal accidentally stepped on it. And after that I had to walk back home... IT HURTS SO BADLY!!! ARGH!
MSSD!!! I am going to go for MSSD!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!XD
Hopefully my injrued foot is ok by then. It's on the 18th so... Next Saturday... Scary yet totally prepared for the fun. HAHA!
I LOVE LIFE! Dont you? I get to meet so many people. Share so many things! I just wish that it would never end. BUT! If life never ends then there would be no point to life. Because if we dont die, we will not be able to go forth to a better place. But what I am scared of is that I will go to hell for the sins I have commited...

So live life to the full! And cherish your friends and family. Dont always study. Im not discouraging you to study, Im just saying that you shouldn't use all your time studying. Have some fun in between.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How anger affects me

I am currently angry due to my stupidity today... Pissing off someone I really care about and possibly hurting that someone is very painful to my heart... So to take care of this feeling, I get angry with myself. How this anger affected me, you may ask.
  1. My heart pumped so hard because of my anger until it was like my whole world was shaking.
  2. My rib muscles got even more cramped up due to the anger.
  3. Almost ended up in the hospital 3 times. Due to not paying attention while crossing roads.
  4. Hurting my own knuckles from punching walls till they bleed.

I advise everyone who is angry at themselves to pay attention to whatever you are doing to avoid accidents and also to not punch walls. Not that I regret doing so, just that sometimes you aren't worth all that pain.


ic The title of this post means 'Im sorry'.
Long story-short. I made one of my best friends very angry at me... Even though I know that she would react that way... I still did it... Why? Cause Im the biggest idiot on Earth... Im sorry, Jo Yee. Please forgive me. I know I am very stupid and childish. Hopefully I have learned my lesson.
I also need to apologise to another best friend of mine for having to try her best to cheer Jo Yee up. Im sorry, Iman. You of all people should understand how I feel now... And thank you as well. For talking to me about it just now.

Im sorry.


Very sleepy today... Cause I slept at 2.00am? I was talking to a friend of mine until about 12.4oa.m. I think... But that's not the reason... Lately I haven't been able to sleep immediately after eating... So Im forced to not eat when Im hungry in the middle of the night... Which sucks... So I ate at 12am and then went back to my room and still talking to my friend via text messages. I wonder what would my other friends say if I told them who I was talking to last night until 12.40am... Well, at 12.40am, my friend didnt reply me at all... So I guessed that she had fallen asleep and didnt hear her phone. LOL!
So I was stuck trying to sleep for about 1 hour and 20 minutes... Suddenly at 5.15am I woke up because I thought I heard movements in the kitchen. When I went out of my room, I was already ready to kill any 'intruders'... Turns out the noise was made by my sister who was looking for food... LOL!
That's all about my day for now...