The first one was about 2 weeks ago? Went on a Monday afternoon. Bought at least 20 books there. FREAKING CHEAP! Ended up at about RM100.
Today though, I went for the Popular bookfair. The amount of people there was CRAZY! Seriously! Everyone was carrying basket, and everyone was trying to move in different directions. IT WAS CHAOS I TELL YOU!!!
But I came out alive and still happy. Finally got to buy The Inheritance Cycle. Or better known as Eragon etc... Got all 3, total up bout RM30. Sure the MPH one was much cheaper, but I couldn't find these there.
So Im actually enjoying myself by reading. Never thought there would be a day that my mom would spend so much on books for me to read and the books were my own choice. The total that my mom and I have spent on books within the past 2 weeks is at least RM1000. Haha. CRAZY!!!
When I see your face,
my heart stops beating.