SO! If you have read Phei Fern's blog recently, you should know that Di Wern and I threw a surprise birthday party for her on Monday. Credits mostly go to Di Wern because she did most of the work. All I did was call Phei Fern's mom and come up with certain small ideas.
ANYWAYS! The list of people who came are on Phei Fern's blog so I will not repeat... I am making this post for Phei Fern's sake because she asked for someone else to blog about it... Lol...
So Phei Fern met Jo Yee and I at Starbucks, SS2 at about 3 while I was having my coffee. Since Di Wern and the rest needed more time to prepare, I took my own sweet time to finish the coffee. Actually I was rushing it because they were almost done and I had 3 quarters left of a venti mocha frap...
When I finished the coffee, we left Starbucks and went along to Swensens. As we reached the doors, I covered Phei Fern's eyes and Jo Yee opened the door for her to go in. Then... Well you can roughly guess... But the funny part was! As some of them said 'SURPRISE!', Phei Fern said something that made me laugh my ass off... Go ask her about it... HAHA!
So she opened her presents and we ate... Hmm.... Im really lazy... So we'll skip the rest. Over-all, I got wet and got so cold to the point I got rib cramps almost every minute...
Anything else please inform me...