Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So Im back from Nilai, my mom's hometown. We left the house on Friday. Came back with a big smile on my face when I saw the dinning table FULL of delicious food. The food literally said to me 'WELCOME HOME!' I ate damn alot. 5 bowls of rice. New record in the whole house. Beat my uncle, whose previous record was 4 bowls. My highest record before the 5 was 3. I SHOT UP BY 2 BOWLS! IT'S AMAZING!
So I had pretty much of a good time the whole time I was there. UNTIL! Yesterday night when I emod... I felt pretty empty even though I had tons of family around me. So I talked to afew friends via sms to get rid of it and slept at 2. Thanks Jo Yee and Di Wern for being there.
And so today, counted my money. DAMN LOT!!! BETTER THAN LAST YEAR! WOOOO!
Phei Fern called me today only to make me disappointed in her... Might have been a little bit angry, but Im fine now. PHEI FERN! Never ever do that again... Understand?
I feel so good now cause I get to use the internet again. And also because I managed to get the movie ticketing done.
So Im going off to dinner now, HAVE A GOOD TIME PEOPLE! BYE